MyntExchange Listing compliance

October 10, 2023

Listing Application for MyntExchange

To list a company on MyntExchange, please follow the comprehensive steps outlined below, taking into consideration MyntExchange's requirements for compliance:

First Contact

Initial Assessment

Initial Assessment: Ensure that your company meets the eligibility requirements set by MyntExchange and complies with the guidelines. This includes meeting the minimum valuation requirement of $5 million and providing the necessary documentation outlined in the listing application framework. The valuation should be conducted by a third-party entity authorized by MyntExchange. Equidam has the highest accuracy rate for validating companies. Bring 300-500 investors into MyntExchange through our MLM service.

Selection of MyntExchange

Once your company is deemed eligible, choose to list your security tokens on the MyntExchange trading platform, known for its securitization and trading of security tokens representing equity in private unlisted companies.

Pay Listing Fees

In order to integrate your token into the MyntExchange platform, you need to pay a non-refundable annual Listing Fee of $20,000 USD. This fee is collected from the first shares sold on MyntExchange each calendar year. The annual listing fee can also be paid upon execution of the agreement.

One-time Swap

One-time Swap: As part of the listing process, MyntExchange and the issuer agree to swap 2% of the securities intended for tokenization in exchange for MyntCoin, the indexed fund security token. The swap will be based on a 20% load on the value of MyntCoin. This swap is a one-time occurrence and complies with MyntExchange's requirements. The 20% load is implemented to ensure the continuous growth of Myntcoin. The tokens will be introduced to the market as needed, triggering a secondary increase in value for the token. Myntcoin will only be released if an asset is transferred under it by listing companies. A 2-year hold is placed on MyntCoin, making it a balancing rod among all listed companies. There is no central control, making it the second blockchain-based token in history to have this feature. The value of MyntCoin is tied solely to the value and growth of listed companies, ensuring a continuous value accrual build curve. MyntPay is tethered at a 1/10 ratio to Myntcoin, keeping the ecosystem balanced and relatively free from inflation.

One-time Giveaway & Promotional Fee

Allocate a one-time fee of 2% of the equity to be listed on MyntExchange for giveaways, promotions, and campaigns aimed at raising awareness among users and traders on the exchange. Ensure that the distribution of this 2% equity is carried out through the multi-level marketing (MLM) system of MyntExchange, ensuring compliance with MyntExchange's promotional guidelines.


Engage in the tokenization process, where a percentage of equity in the form of stock certificates is exchanged for a specific number of security tokens. These tokens represent the equity of the issuer. MyntExchange will facilitate the minting of the tokens using the services of Fireblocks, a highly secure digital asset company. The issuer has the discretion to determine the number of tokens to be listed on the MyntExchange platform. Dividends can be paid out in MyntCoin tokens, in accordance with MyntExchange's requirements. All transactions are conducted in the myntpay currency. Tokenized shares sold are transferred to investors' wallets, and myntpay is transferred to the listed companies' wallets within the Fireblocks system. From there, Myntpay can be sold on AlchemyPay, Bytedex, and several other digital asset platforms.

Trading Platform

Preparation of Documentation

Compile and prepare all necessary documentation according to MyntExchange's listing application framework. This includes the commercial register, significant shareholder list, company bylaws, terms of service, comprehensive company presentation, audited financial statements, and any other relevant documentation required by MyntExchange for compliance purposes

Onboarding Process

Undergo the thorough onboarding process established by MyntExchange. This involves submitting the required documentation, undergoing due diligence checks, and ensuring compliance with the extensive regulations and guidelines stipulated by MyntExchange.

Integration of Tokens

Upon successful completion of the onboarding process, the security tokens representing your company's equity will be seamlessly integrated into the MyntExchange trading platform. This integration will enable users of the platform to trade your tokens. It is essential to observe MyntExchange's requirements for transparency, security, and compliance throughout this integration process.

Ongoing Compliance

After your tokens are listed on MyntExchange, it is crucial to diligently adhere to the ongoing compliance requirements, as set forth by MyntExchange. Continuously file periodic financial reports, ensure compliance with anti-money laundering policies and regulations, and maintain robust privacy policies.

Additional Services and Benefits

By following these stringent steps and complying with MyntExchange requirements, listing your company on MyntExchange will provide various benefits. These advantages include access to a reputable digital currency exchange platform designed specifically for securities tokens, increased visibility and credibility within the market, and the opportunity to tap into a broader base of potential investors.

Remember to meticulously prepare and submit all necessary documentation in accordance with MyntExchange's guidelines and regulations to ensure a seamless and compliant listing process on MyntExchange.

Companies listing on MyntExchange will get a pre-scheduled press release packet with four press releases, SEO tailored for the first three months of listing, a packet of web impressions through MyntNews and Partner Companies, marketing and social media campaigns, and will be an integral part of the MyntEcosystem as we want to get every company listed on MyntExchange involved in the ecosystem and in what we are building.

Onboarding Documentation

In addition to the listing application framework, the following documentation is required for the onboarding process:

  1. Commercial Register
  2. Significant Shareholder List (Name of each person owning 10% or more)
  3. A copy of each significant shareholder's passport
  4. Bylaws
  5. Terms of Service
  6. Company Presentation (Description of business operations)
  7. A short marketing video describing the Company's mission (optional)
  8. The Issuer's valuation (Minimum value of $5 million)
  9. The issuer's last two years of financial statements prepared using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) (Older than 3 years)
  10. Proof the issuer's tax filings are up to date
  11. Attestation of Good Faith (Appendix II)
  12. A copy of the Issuer's terms of service
  13. A copy of the Issuer's Anti-Money Laundering Policy

Document repository

Here is an explanation of every item and reference:

  1. Commercial Register: A commercial register is a database that lists all the companies that are licensed to operate in a country, region, or municipality. It contains key information about the companies, such as their name, address, industry, products, and shareholders. A commercial register is used to verify the legal status and identity of a company1
  2. Significant Shareholder List: A significant shareholder list is a document that shows the names and ownership percentages of the shareholders who own a large stake in a company. Usually, a significant shareholder is defined as someone who owns 10% or more of the voting rights or the equity shares of a company. A significant shareholder list is used to disclose the major investors and their influence over the company2
  3. A copy of each significant shareholder’s passport: A passport is an official document that identifies a person’s nationality, name, date of birth, and other personal details. A copy of each significant shareholder’s passport is used to verify their identity and citizenship, and to prevent fraud and money laundering3
  4. Bylaws: Bylaws are the rules and regulations that govern the internal management and operations of a company or an organization. They specify the rights and duties of the directors, officers, and shareholders, as well as the procedures for meetings, elections, audits, and amendments. Bylaws are used to ensure the smooth functioning and accountability of a company or an organization4
  5. Terms of Service: Terms of service are the legal agreements between a service provider and a user who wants to use that service. They outline the terms and conditions of using the service, such as the rights and obligations of both parties, the limitations of liability, the dispute resolution process, and the privacy policy. Terms of service are used to protect the interests and rights of both the service provider and the user5
  6. Company Presentation: A company presentation is a document or a video that introduces a company’s mission, vision, values, products, services, achievements, and goals to potential investors, customers, partners, or employees. It highlights the unique features and benefits of the company and its offerings, as well as its competitive advantages and market opportunities. A company presentation is used to attract interest and support from various stakeholders and to showcase the company’s brand identity and value proposition6
  7. A short marketing video describing the Company’s mission (optional): A marketing video is a short and engaging audiovisual content that showcases a company’s mission, products, services, or solutions to a target audience. It aims to inform, educate, entertain, or persuade viewers to take action or to learn more about the company. A marketing video is optional but can be an effective way to communicate the company’s message and to generate interest and awareness among potential investors or customers7
  8. The Issuer’s valuation (Minimum value of $5 million, valued by Equidam): The issuer’s valuation is an estimate of how much a company is worth based on various factors such as its financial performance, growth potential, market size, competitive position, and risk profile. The minimum value required for listing on our stock exchange is $5 million USD. The valuation must be done by Equidam, which is a leader in online valuation for startups and small businesses. Equidam uses five different methods to calculate the valuation based on data from comparable companies and industry benchmarks8
  9. The issuer’s last two years of financial statements prepared using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP): Financial statements are formal records that summarize the financial activities and position of a company over a period of time. They include the income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, and statement of changes in equity. Financial statements must be prepared using Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), which are a set of rules and standards that ensure consistency and accuracy in accounting and reporting practices across different companies and industries. GAAP also helps investors and creditors to compare and evaluate the financial performance and health of different companies9
  10. Proof the issuer’s tax filings are up to date: Tax filings are documents that report a company’s income, expenses, deductions, credits, taxes owed, and taxes paid to the relevant tax authorities for a given year or period. Proof of tax filings are up to date means that the company has filed all its required tax returns on time and has paid all its due taxes in full without any penalties or interest charges. Proof of tax filings are up to date can be in the form of receipts, confirmations, certificates, or letters from the tax authorities or certified accountants that verify the company’s tax compliance status10
  11. Attestation of Good Faith (Appendix II): An attestation of good faith is a statement or declaration that confirms that a company or an individual has acted honestly, fairly, sincerely, and without any intention to deceive or defraud others. It also implies that the company or the individual has complied with all the applicable laws, regulations, and ethical standards in their dealings and transactions. An attestation of good faith is usually signed by an authorized representative or a witness of the company or the individual. Appendix II contains a sample of an attestation of good faith that can be used for listing on our stock exchange11
  12. A copy of the Issuer’s terms of service: This item is the same as item 5 above. A copy of the issuer’s terms of service is a document that explains the legal agreements between the issuer and the users of its service. It outlines the terms and conditions of using the service, such as the rights and obligations of both parties, the limitations of liability, the dispute resolution process, and the privacy policy. A copy of the issuer’s terms of service is used to protect the interests and rights of both the issuer and the users5
  13. A copy of the Issuer’s Anti-Money Laundering Policy: An anti-money laundering policy is a document that describes how a company or an organization prevents, detects, and reports money laundering activities. Money laundering is the process of concealing the illegal origin or source of funds by transferring them through legitimate channels or businesses. An anti-money laundering policy typically includes the following elements: The definition and scope of money laundering and its related risks The roles and responsibilities of the company and its employees in combating money laundering The procedures and methods for identifying, verifying, and monitoring customers and transactions The procedures and methods for reporting suspicious or unusual activities The procedures and methods for record keeping and auditing The procedures and methods for training and educating staff on anti-money laundering compliance The procedures and methods for reviewing and updating the policy A copy of the issuer’s anti-money laundering policy is used to demonstrate its commitment and adherence to the relevant laws and regulations that aim to prevent money laundering and its associated crimes12
  14. A copy of the Issuer’s Privacy Policy: A privacy policy is a document that explains how a company or an organization collects, uses, discloses, and protects personal information from its customers, users, or visitors. Personal information can be anything that can be used to identify an individual, such as name, email address, phone number, location, preferences, etc. A privacy policy typically includes the following elements: The types and sources of personal information collected The purposes and legal bases for collecting personal information The ways and parties with whom personal information is shared The rights and choices of individuals regarding their personal information The security measures and safeguards for protecting personal information The retention periods and deletion procedures for personal information The contact details and complaint mechanisms for privacy-related inquiries A copy of the issuer’s privacy policy is used to inform its customers, users, or visitors about how their personal information is handled and to comply with the data protection laws and regulations that apply to its operations13
  15. Comprehensive marketing plan that aligns with the Company’s goals and makes sense in the context of the stock exchange listing (Optional): A marketing plan is a document that outlines how a company or an organization plans to promote its products, services, or brand to its target market. It describes the marketing objectives, strategies, tactics, budget, timeline, and evaluation methods for achieving specific goals. A comprehensive marketing plan typically includes the following elements: A situation analysis that assesses the internal and external factors affecting the company or organization A market segmentation that identifies and profiles the potential customers or audiences A value proposition that defines the unique benefits and advantages of the company or organization A marketing mix that specifies the product, price, place, and promotion strategies for reaching the target market A marketing budget that estimates the costs and revenues associated with the marketing plan A marketing schedule that sets out the tasks, responsibilities, deadlines, and milestones for implementing the marketing plan A marketing evaluation that measures and analyzes the results and outcomes of the marketing plan A comprehensive marketing plan that aligns with the company’s goals and makes sense in the context of the stock exchange listing is optional but can be helpful to attract investors’ attention and interest in buying shares of the company. It can also help to increase brand awareness, customer loyalty, market share, sales revenue, and profitability for the company14


1: Commercial Register Explained - 2: Significant Shareholder Definition: 812 Samples | Law Insider 3: Passport - Wikipedia 4: By-law - Wikipedia 5: Terms of service - Wikipedia 6:

Additional Marketing Services for Listed Companies

Companies that list on MyntExchange will receive a pre-scheduled press release packet consisting of four press releases on global newswire, tailored for SEO, for the first three months of listing. They will also receive a packet of web impressions through MyntNews and Partner Companies, as well as marketing and social media campaigns. Additionally, listed companies will become an integral part of the MyntEcosystem.

MyntExchange aims to involve every listed company in their ecosystem and the development of their platform.

MyntMarketing also offers additional services, including brand management and design, website design and publishing, SEO content creation, guerrilla marketing, event planning, web banner hosting, video scripting, producing, and planning for all types of advertisements. They also provide reporting and analysis, marketing plans based on campaigns or contracts.

MyntMarketing has prebuilt a three-step marketing packet as an add-on for listed companies.

Furthermore, listed companies will receive a unique company website that contains all information about their stock trades, and they will have access to the database to verify all information processed through MyntExchange. The website will be hosted on

Overall, MyntExchange offers valuable resources and opportunities for companies looking to list and thrive in the digital currency market.

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